Friday, March 21, 2014

The growth of my Super Dwarf Cavendish from Pup to Tree

   Caven as I call my Super Dwarf Cavendish banana tree has grown very fast since I received him, as Banana plants do, as a gift from my wife in June of 2013 and has gone through 4 pot sizes since.  From his late summer start in June of 2013 as a pup in a 4" pot to an 8' pot and then through a 16 Gallon pot and continuing on through his first winter(2013-14) in its final 21 gallon pot size.  Here is a quick photo stream of Caven's growth during the last 12+ months that I have had him.  There are many more detailed posts available in this blog if you are so interested,  but I will try to keep this post updated for a quick glance of Caven's continued growth.  The most recent pictures and comments are appended to bottom of this post.
June 2013 - First Photo when I got him in his 4" pot.
June 2013 - Amazing to think about how fast this little guy will be a tree.

July 2013 - Moved to an 8" pot.
August-23-2013 - After he has filled out the 8" pot.

August 30, 2014 - Moved to his 16 gallon pot. Former pots also shown. 
August 30, 2014 - He looks very small in his new 16 Gallon pot, but nothing a few month won't change. 
September 5, 2013 - Moved inside for the winter of 2013

November 8,2013 -Starting to fill his 6 Gallon pot better.

Getting bigger during the winter of January 2014

Under his 4' HO grow light tubes for some January sun

February 1, 2014 and growing larger

February 14, 2014 - Ready to move to his 21 gallon wine container liner.

Feb 14, 2014 - At just over 16" in P-Stem height

Feb 14, 2014 - Pups removed as he moved to his 21 gallon pot

March 13, 2014 Growing along with his remaining 5 pups
March 20, 2014 - Putting out 23" inch leafs 

March 21, 2014 - 23" leafs growing well under the lights

May 7, 2014 - My Wife Kathy posing with Cavendish. Kathy is 4' 10.5"
June 2, 2014 - Freshly moisturized and fed Fruit Fuel.
June 23, 2014 - Moved outside for the Summer under some partial shade to acclimate to the sun.

September 2, 2014 - Winter will soon be setting in and Caven is to big for the house now. So I set Caven in the ground as his corm will less likely freeze in the ground than in a pot. He will also be shielded by this PVC cover that will be closed up during the non Banana-like weather coming up. Full post here.

Sunlight:The earliest sunrise is at 5:20am on June 16 and the latest sunset is at 9:04pm on June 24. The latest sunrise is at 7:54am on November 3 and the earliest sunset is at 4:26pm on December 12.
Light hours:Seasonal December 21 with 8:40 to June 20 with15:42 hours of daylight.
Grow More 16-8-24 Fruit Fuel Premium Fruit Formula for application throughout the growing season. Contains full-spectrum of secondary and micronutrients utilized by fruiting plants. Provides plants with a steady dosage of potash for use during present cycle of fruit production or storage for next year's crop. Lower Nitrogen to Potassium ratio to discourage flower and fruit drop. Sufficient Phosphate level for excellent performance without over stimulating the plant to bloom out of season.
Soil:Standard potting soil mix- Without water retainers
Container Pot:Went from 4", to 8", to 16 gallons, to 21.4 gallon pot to, the earth.
Pest Control:Safer Insect Killing Soap, Diatomaceous earth
Location:Outdoors in our yard covered by PVC for the winter.
My Outdoor Temps:Low 28(Winter) freezes for up to one week or two at a stretch - Average 45-75 - High 101(Summer)
Hardiness Zone:8b Northwest Oregon Southern Willamette Valley, USA
Cavendish from Pup to Tree: The growth of my Super Dwarf Cavendish from Pup to Tree in one quick post. If you only want a quick summation of his growth in just one quick blog post, here it is.
Paul's Banana Plantation Photo Album:My rather large photo album of Cavendish for those with some time on there hands.

Unfolding of a banana leaf - Timelapse Video - Take One"

I will have to reset and try again to to get a true Timelapse effect as this first attempt was pretty jumpy.  Stay tuned as the next leaf that rolls rolls out I will make a new improved timelapse video - take Two.

My Plant Information:Super Dwarf Cavendish
Lighting:4 ft. 6 tube - T-5 6400k High output fluorescent
Light hours:14 On - 10 Off
Grow More 16-8-24 Fruit Fuel Premium Fruit Formula for application throughout the growing season. Contains full-spectrum of secondary and micronutrients utilized by fruiting plants. Provides plants with a steady dosage of potash for use during present cycle of fruit production or storage for next year's crop. Lower Nitrogen to Potassium ratio to discourage flower and fruit drop. Sufficient Phosphate level for excellent performance without overstimulating the plant to bloom out of season.
Soil:Standard potting soil - Without water retainers
Container Pot:Smaller 16.32 gallons - 11" deep by 18" width swapped for a new 21.4 gallon pot 22" avg. width, 13" deep
Pest Control:Safer Insect Killing Soap, Diatomaceous earth
Walk in plant closet:7' x 4'-6" - With curtain and a ceiling ventilation fan.
My Indoor Temps:Low 60(Winter) - Average 65-75 - High 80(Summer)
Hardiness Zone:8b Northwest Oregon Southern Willamette Valley, USA
Paul's Banana PlantationAll of my Cavendish's baby pictures to an adult are here. 
Here is the shot record for: 
Unfolding of a banana leaf  - Timelapse Video - Take One
DAY ONE - March 21

Shot 21 April 1 - Tue 8:30 AM - 23.25" - Although Significantly unfurled and some emerging to from the P-Stem I have been needing to pan the camera up to get the whole leaf in the shot thus destroying a real Timelapse video.  I will however join what I have into a video and will post it here. beside this video ended up being of the back of a banana leaf, the leafs orientations are rather unpredictable.

    Goal: To take daily shots from a stably mounted camera to lead to a time lapse video.  A photo will be taken at least once a day as the leaf unrolls to create a video of "The unfolding of a banana leaf - Time Lapse". 

 Day 1 is too early to start the time lapse as the subject is still buried deep inside the current unrolling leaf. So here are some inside shots.  I love these deep shots inside.  In a week or so we should have enough photos to make the time lapse video leading to a full grown leaf of 22 plus inches.

Deep inside the current leaf unrolling
peeks the next roll that will be our time lapsed leaf.
Down the tube of the current leaf to the smallest curl showing of the subject leaf.
Ready to emerge as the next leaf.

So tightly curled but yet all the same current leaf.

DAY TWO - March 22

    Stay tuned, today I firmly mounted my Camera in position.  I can't retrieve the daily pictures during the week without disturbing its mount.  I will add them in a week once the time lapse photo set is complete and I have made the video out of them.  Stay connected and come back again in one full week.

Camera mounted on a stick screwed to the wall on the inside of the walk-in closet with the camera taped to it.
Caven took a photo of the Camera normally used to photograph him. He has very dexterous leafs.

Shot 1 March 22 - 8:30 AM Just after I set it up for the week. Just a bit of the curl can be seen inside.
Shot 2 March 22 - 8:30 PM Just a bit of the curl can be seen inside. Took one with overhead light off and one with overhead light on - Timer turns off Main T5 fixtures at 7:30 pm for this photo.

Camera: 12MP, Nikon Coolpix S570, 5x optical (5.0-25.0mm) zoom, 1:2.7-6.6,  ISO 3200.
Lighting: 6-4ft. T5 HO fluorescent grow light tubes. Oh.... and flash as needed.
Stay tuned as the week progresses.

Shot 3  March 23 - Sun 8:30 AM  Adjusted the light timer so the evening shots will now be with the lights on.  The top of the dry twist that's on top of the cigar is showing well deep inside.
Shot 4  March 23 - Sun 8:30 PM Was taken with the lights on this time since I changed the light schedule.  The "cigar" is now openly visible but hard to measure yet as the previous leaf is still in the way.

Shot 5  March 24 - Mon 8:40 AM  Looks like 7" of the cigar shape is viewable.
Shot 6  March 24 - Mon 8:30 PM  We have 9" of the cigar now showing. 

Shot 7  March 25 - Tue 8:30 AM  Now 11" of the cigar is showing.
Shot 8  March 25 - Tue 8:30 PM  I measured 14" of the cigar showing now. Yes, up 3" inches in 12 hrs and thickening.

Shot 9  March 26 - Wed 8:30 AM  I measured 16" of the  cigar is now up this morning and growing thicker.
Shot 10 March 26 - Wed 8:30 PM 16 3/4" of the cigar is now up this evening. A lot less height growth than there has been, but is now just starting to unroll a bit.

Shot 11 March 27 - Thur 8:30 AM  17" of the cigar is now up this morning. Still less height growth than there has been, but it is starting to unroll.
Shot 12 March 27 - Thur 7:40 PM  18 1/2" of the cigar is now up this evening. Still just starting its unrolling. Took photo early because of meeting tonight.

Shot 13 March 28 - Fri 8:40 AM  19 1/4" that is starting to look like a cone.
Shot 14 March 28 - Fri 8:30 PM  20" and unrolling. 

Shot 15 March 29 - Sat 9:00 AM  Took picture before field service but did not measure leafroll.
Shot 16 March 29 - Sat 9:00 PM  21 1/2" and turning into a nice cone.

Shot 17 March 30 - Sun 8:30 AM  22" and turning into a nice cone.
Shot 18 March 30 - Sun 8:30 PM Did not measure.

Shot 19 March 31 - Mon 8:30 AM  23" took 2 shots, had to raise light as was getting way into shot. I can't raise lights further without changing one of the mounting locations.
Shot 20 March 31 - Mon 8:30 PM May have forgotten to take an evening shot

Shot 21 April 1 - Tue 8:30 AM - 23.25" - Although Significantly unfurled and some emerging to from the P-Stem I have been needing to pan the camera up to get the whole leaf in the shot thus destroying a real Timelapse video.  I will however join what I have into a video and will post it here.

I will have to try again to to get a true Timelapse effect.

   Work will now begin on making the time lapse movie. ~ A new post will be created to host the actual time lapse video and it will be shared on G+ for all to enjoy. I plan also to post it to, or at least a link to it on

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Fruit Fuel Fertilizer

   I have been using 16-8-24 Fruit Fuet Fertilizer from on my pot grown SDC(Super Dwarf Cavendish) and it has been showing much bigger leaves since I have been using it.  The only other change I made about the same time was to move my Caven from a 16 Gallon to a 21 Gallon pot.   So this could have some bearing on growth as well.   Never the less the Fruit Fuel got my SDC through the shock process very well with just the loss of five older leafs over a period of a couple weeks. 

My 21 gallon pot grown SDC is currently putting out 23" leafs.
      The Pups(new starts) that stayed with "Caven" during the move from the 16 Gallon to the 21 gallon did not skip a beat and kept on growing without any interruption.   I was introduced to Fruit Fuel at

My Plant Information:Super Dwarf Cavendish
Lighting:4 ft. 6 tube - T-5 6400k High output fluorescent
Light hours:14 On - 10 Off
Grow More 16-8-24 Fruit Fuel Premium Fruit Formula for application throughout the growing season. Contains full-spectrum of secondary and micronutrients utilized by fruiting plants. Provides plants with a steady dosage of potash for use during present cycle of fruit production or storage for next year's crop. Lower Nitrogen to Potassium ratio to discourage flower and fruit drop. Sufficient Phosphate level for excellent performance without overstimulating the plant to bloom out of season.
Soil:Standard potting soil - Without water retainers
Container Pot:Smaller 16.32 gallons - 11" deep by 18" width swapped for a new 21.4 gallon pot 22" avg. width, 13" deep
Pest Control:Safer Insect Killing Soap, Diatomaceous earth
Walk in plant closet:7' x 4'-6" - With curtain and a ceiling ventilation fan.
My Indoor Temps:Low 60(Winter) - Average 65-75 - High 80(Summer)
Hardiness Zone:8b Northwest Oregon Southern Willamette Valley, USA
Paul's Banana PlantationAll of my Cavendish's baby pictures to an adult are here. 

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Caven's record sized 23" leaf

~ I have my largest leaf yet at 23" long and 9" wide that has just finished unfurling.  First a couple of previous pics of the leaf in progress and then today's photos.  It seems like my Banana plant is adjusting well and liking its new bigger 21 gallon pot. :-)

Pics from a couple days ago.
Next leafroll in center is barely visible at all.
Next leaf roll in center is barely visible at all.
Starting to unroll a couple days ago and still difficult to get a measurement.
Two days later and easier to measure its 23" length.
15th - Full 23" leaf and 9" wide
15th - Full 23" leaf with next leafroll coming
15th - The next leafroll is currently 6" and emerging. Stay tuned to see if we are on a record breaking run.
17th - The next leafroll is nowy 15 1/2" and emerging. I wonder what size the next leaf has in store for us.

17th - The next leafroll is nowy 15 1/2" and emerging. I wonder what size the next leaf has in store for us.

19th - Next leafroll two days later
19th - Next leafroll two days later zoomed in
20th - Another day another progress picture
20th - Another day another progress picture


My Plant Information:Super Dwarf Cavendish
Lighting:4 ft. 6 tube - T-5 6400k High output fluorescent
Light hours:14 On - 10 Off
Grow More 16-8-24 Fruit Fuel Premium Fruit Formula for application throughout the growing season. Contains full-spectrum of secondary and micronutrients utilized by fruiting plants. Provides plants with a steady dosage of potash for use during present cycle of fruit production or storage for next year's crop. Lower Nitrogen to Potassium ratio to discourage flower and fruit drop. Sufficient Phosphate level for excellent performance without overstimulating the plant to bloom out of season.
Soil:Standard potting soil - Without water retainers
Container Pot:Smaller 16.32 gallons - 11" deep by 18" width swapped for a new 21.4 gallon pot 22" avg. width, 13" deep
Pest Control:Safer Insect Killing Soap, Diatomaceous earth
Walk in plant closet:7' x 4'-6" - With curtain and a ceiling ventilation fan.
My Indoor Temps:Low 60(Winter) - Average 65-75 - High 80(Summer)
Hardiness Zone:8b Northwest Oregon Southern Willamette Valley, USA
Paul's Banana PlantationAll of my Cavendish's baby pictures to an adult are here.